ID 25-4622
| 1 | | | Action Item | Approval of the Minutes of the December 18, 2024, Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting (Shelby Hennigan) | | |
Not available
ID 25-4606
| 1 | | | Planning Item | A Request for a Minor General Plan Amendment Revising the Future Land Use Map Designation for 1719 Magnolia Drive, Tract 2304, Block 1, Lot 38, Approximately 0.31 Acres, from High Density Residential (HDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) (Trevor Kearns) | | |
Not available
ID 25-4607
| 1 | | | Planning Item | A Request for a General Development Plan and Planned Development Rezone of 1719 Magnolia Drive, Tract 2304, Block 1, Lot 38, from Residential - Commercial Health (R-CHD) District to Residential - Commercial Health/Planned Development (R-CHD/PD) District to Reduce the Minimum Required Dwelling Unit Density from 15 Units Per Acre to 5 Units Per Acre and Eliminate the Requirement for 50% of the Structure to be Two-Story (Trevor Kearns) | | |
Not available