TO: Planning & Zoning Commission Members
FROM: Planning Division Staff
A Request for Approval of a Planned Development Rezone and General Development Plan for 60 Retail Centre Boulevard, Parcel B1 Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2, Approximately 2.0 acres, from Manufactured Home District (RMH) to Mixed Use - General/Planned Development District (MU-G/PD), to Permit Construction of a 2-story Gymnasium with an Exterior Pool and Parking Areas with Requested Exceptions for Height, Materials, and Setbacks (Chris Gilbert)
Application No.: |
25-4643 (PZ2025-00001) |
Property Legal: |
Parcel B1, Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2 |
Address: |
60 Retail Centre Boulevard |
Lot Size: |
2.0 Acres |
Applicant: |
Selberg Associates |
Owners: |
Ryan Garland |
Staff Project Manager: |
Chris Gilbert |
Current/Proposed Zoning: |
Manufactured Home District to Mixed Use-General District |
Existing/Proposed Use: |
Vacant/Commercial Development |
Proposed Number of Lots/Units: |
N/A |
Proposed Density: |
N/A, Single Commercial Development |
The subject property is 2.0 acres and is vacant and undeveloped. It is located on Retail Centre Boulevard, south of the intersection with Showplace Avenue. The abutting properties to the east are developed with a vehicle sales establishment and a storage unit complex, the property to the west is undeveloped state-owned property outside the City limits, to the north is vacant land, and to the south is a storage unit complex. The two closest intersections to the subject property with Arizona 95 are both signalized with turn lanes.
The subject parcel is presently zoned Manufactured Home District (RMH). Prior to 2020 the property was zoned General Commercial/Planned Development (C-2/PD). In 2020, the property was rezoned to General Commercial (C-2) by Ordinance No. 20-1230, followed by another rezone in 2022 to the current zone, Manufactured Home District (RMH), by Ordinance No. 22-1287. In late 2024, a parcel plat was completed, approved by the City, and recorded creating the subject 2.0 acre parcel and a separate 15.92 acre parcel. The 15.92 acre parcel is the subject of another Planned Development Rezone. The current owner’s intent is to develop this 2.0 acre parcel, which slopes considerably to the west from Retail Centre Boulevard with a gymnasium facility that will have an outdoor pool in addition to the indoor amenities.
Area and Zoning Maps are included as attachments to this report.
The attached General Development Plan shows an overall 44-feet, 3-inch high structure, encompassing 14,800 square feet of space in the multi-level gym, along with an outdoor infinity edge pool and patio area, with sufficient parking that exceeds the Development Code parking requirement for such a facility. The building is intended to have primarily glass enhanced north and south facades with corrugated painted metallic façades on the east and west facings, with added architectural features and color variations.
The Applicant’s Letter of Intent, the General Development Plan and accompanying Building Façade Renderings are included as attachments to this report.
Should the Minor General Plan Amendment heard prior to this case be approved by the City Council, the new land use category of Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) would be appropriate for the intended purpose as a gymnasium. The Commercial Mixed-Use future land use designation allows primary uses such as retail shopping and services such as health facilities, nightclubs, studios, artisan shops, grocery/retail stores, restaurants, banks, medical office/ hospital/clinics, veterinary clinics, parking facilities, storage facilities, and personal services. Secondary uses include high density residential and accessory structures.
The following General Plan Goals and Policies support the requested rezoning:
GM.1.1.c - Service levels: Allow development in areas that can be reasonably serviced by police, fire, and emergency response services without negatively impacting service levels or increasing costs for current users.
GM.1.1.d - Infill and Redevelopment: Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses, and the promotion of State Trust Land on the Island and adjacent to the perimeter of the originally platted area as a means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.
LU.1.1.a - Range of development opportunities: Maintain a Future Land Use Plan and map that clearly identifies the location and distribution of densities and preferred uses-residential, commercial, employment, resort-oriented, and recreational uses- within the planning area.
LU.1.1.c - Infill and redevelopment: Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, and the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses as means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.
EC.1.1.a- Diversified Economy: Retain, expand, and attract business and industry uses that provide employment that improve the overall quality of life for all Lake Havasu City residents.
PF.2.1.a - Infill Development: Maximize the existing investment in infrastructure by encouraging infill development within the existing platted area of the City.
PF.2.1.b - Utility Infrastructure Quality: Ensure developers install all public utilities and facilities to state and municipal standards, as required by their proposed development project outside of the subdivided area.
Section 14.05.04(L)(4)(a-h) of the Lake Havasu City Development Code requires eight findings be met before a Planned Development is approved. Those eight findings and Staff’s analysis of each finding is as follows:
a. The proposed development shall be consistent with and conform to the Lake Havasu City General Plan.
The proposed amendment will be consistent with the maps and policies of the currently adopted General Plan if the requested minor general plan amendment is approved.
b. The exceptions from the standards of the underlying district are warranted by the design and amenities incorporated into the development plan and program.
All aspects of the proposed project will be required to meet the requirements of the Development Code except for any exceptions granted as requested by the applicant as part of the Planned Development approval. The exceptions below are attempting to provide a fresh, appealing design concept to the public for the new development.
c. The proposal is in harmony with the surrounding area or its potential future use and incorporates unified or internally compatible architectural treatment.
The proposed use will be adjacent to other commercial developments on Retail Centre Blvd. thus will be in harmony with the surrounding area and is intended to complement the owner’s plans for the 15.92 acre parcel to the west.
d. The system of ownership and the means of developing, preserving, and maintaining open spaces is suitable.
The principals involved with this process have other current projects underway in Lake Havasu City.
e. The approval will have a beneficial effect on the area which could not be achieved under the primary planning designation for the area.
The property is currently a vacant, underutilized parcel of land that has had multiple development attempts on it yet nothing has been successful, most recently an attempt to place a Manufactured Home Park.
f. The proposed development, or a unit thereof, can be substantially completed within 3 years from the date of approval.
The applicant intends to build the project in one phase and may be achievable within 3 years.
g. Adequate public facilities and services are available or are proposed to be made available in the construction of the project.
Adequate public facilities are currently available to the property and appropriate easements are in place for future utility provision and access.
h. The general objectives of the PD district and the applicable objectives of the various categories of planned development have been met.
The proposed uses and the intent of the overall development meet the general objectives of the PD District as described in the Lake Havasu City Development Code.
The applicant requests that the following exceptions from Development Code standards be included in any recommendation regarding, or future ordinance approving, the rezoning and the accompanying General Development Plan:
1. Maximum Building Height shall not exceed 35 feet in height above the approved maximum grade. This request aligns with the intended purpose of the area.
2. The 30% alternate material requirement of City Code Section 14.04.07.C.2 is not applicable to the east building façade facing Retail Centre Boulevard. The intent of this code section is to improve the appearance of commercial buildings from directly abutting right of ways. It is recognized that considerable expense went into the design of the building including a large amount of glass on the north and south facades, but the east façade that faces the public street needs to have an alternate material other than metal.
3. City Code Section 14.02.04.B.4.b is not applicable to this development. This request aligns with the intended purpose of the area.
Building permits and compliance with all other aspects of the Building and Development Codes, including off-site improvements such as any required street paving, curb, gutter, and sidewalks, will be required prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for any building related to this Planned Development project.
The proposed amendment is in conformance with several goals and policies within the City’s General Plan and meets the findings required for approval of Planned Developments.
A Citizens’ Meeting regarding this application was held on December 31, 2024. No persons appeared for this meeting. The Neighborhood Meeting Materials are included as an attachment to this staff report.
ADOT has requested additional information be provided for their review that has been forwarded to the applicant to address directly with ADOT.
Public Works has accepted the Drainage Study and Traffic Report for the project. The Traffic Analysis is included as an attachment to this report.
This item will be scheduled to be heard by the City Council at its March 11, 2025, meeting.
Area Map
Zoning Map
Letter of Intent
General Development Plan
Façade Renditions North and South Facades
Façade Renditions North West and East Facades
Neighborhood Meeting Materials
Traffic Impact Statement
SUGGESTED MOTION:Recommended Action
I move to recommend approval to the City Council of Land Use Action No. 24-4643, regarding the Planned Development Rezone and General Development Plan for 60 Retail Centre Boulevard, Parcel B1 of Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2, from Manufactured Home District to Mixed Use - General/Planned Development District, to permit construction of a 2-story gymnasium with an exterior pool and parking areas with the following conditions:
1. Maximum Building Height shall not exceed 35 feet in height above the approved maximum grade; and
2. City Code Section 14.02.04.B.4.b is not applicable to this development.