TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
FROM: Jeff Thuneman, Development Services Director
Discussion and Action: Resolution No. 25-3820 Approving a Minor General Plan Amendment Revising the Future Land Use Map Designation for 60 Retail Centre Boulevard, Parcel B1 of Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2, Approximately 2.0 acres, from Medium Density Residential to Commercial Mixed Use (Chris Gilbert)
To consider approving a General Plan Amendment that would facilitate the development of a commercial project on a property surrounded by similar commercial development or zoning.
Application No.: |
25-4691 (PZ2024-00156) |
Property Legal: |
Parcel B1, Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2 |
Address: |
60 Retail Centre Boulevard |
Lot Size: |
2.0 Acres |
Applicant: |
Selberg Associates |
Owner: |
Ryan Garland |
Staff Project Manager: |
Chris Gilbert |
Current/Proposed Land Use Designations: |
Medium Density Residential to Commercial Mixed Use |
Existing/Proposed Use: |
Vacant/Commercial Development |
Proposed Number of Lots/Units: |
N/A |
Density: |
Single Commercial Development |
The subject property is approximately 2.0 acres and is vacant and undeveloped. It is located on Retail Centre Boulevard, south of the intersection with Showplace Avenue. The abutting properties to the east are developed with a vehicle sales establishment and a storage unit complex. The property to the west is an undeveloped state-owned property outside the City limits, to the north is vacant land, and to the south is a storage unit complex.
The 2016 General Plan determines when the City can review proposed changes as a minor or major amendment. The following passage from the plan indicates a minor amendment review process for this application:
Table 11-2 identifies the criterion for determining a major or minor amendment to the General Plan, based on whether the proposed change is located within or outside of the platted areas of the City. The platted areas are those areas that were originally platted at the time of City incorporation as well as any subsequently recorded subdivisions. The platted areas also include the mainland side of the channel but not the island side of the channel or the balance of the island.
Since the subject property totals less than 5 acres and is within the original platted area, or a subsequently recorded plat (which is the case), the Commission and City Council can review this application as a minor amendment.
The applicant’s Letter of Intent asks to amend the City’s General Plan Future Land Use Map for the subject property from Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) to facilitate development of a commercial gymnasium development. The General Plan Amendment is the first step in this process. A rezone application for the property immediately follows this General Plan Amendment request.
The land use category on this property (and Parcel B2) was amended to Medium Density Residential (MDR) by Resolution No. 22-3559 on February 22, 2022, to accommodate a Manufactured Home District zoning that was never developed as such. All other surrounding current land use designation is Commercial Mixed Use (CMU).
The requested Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) future land use designation allows the owner to develop the property with a commercial development consistent with directly abutting properties that would not be possible with a residential future land use category.
Area Map, General Plan Map, and Letter of Intent are included as attachments.
The following General Plan Goals and Policies support the request:
GM.1.1.c - Service levels: Allow development in areas that can be reasonably serviced by police, fire, and emergency response services without negatively impacting service levels or increasing costs for current users.
GM.1.1.d - Infill and Redevelopment: Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses, and the promotion of State Trust Land on the Island and adjacent to the perimeter of the originally platted area as a means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.
LU.1.1.c - Infill and redevelopment: Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, and the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses as means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.
LU.1.1.d - Mixed-Use Development: Encourage Mixed-Use development patterns (both vertically and horizontally) based on goals and policies for individual character areas within the City as a means to promote the efficient use of available land, increase the accessibility of goods and services, and support the revitalization of areas such as Downtown Lake Havasu and the Bridgewater Channel area.
PF.2.1.a - Infill Development: Maximize the existing investment in infrastructure by encouraging infill development within the existing platted area of the City.
The proposed amendment is in conformance with several goals and policies within the City’s General Plan.
A Citizens’ Meeting regarding the General Plan amendment was held on October 25, 2024. No people appeared at the meeting. The Neighborhood Meeting Invite and the Citizens’ Meeting Summary are provided as attachments.
ADOT has requested additional information be provided for their review that has been forwarded to the applicant to address directly with ADOT.
The Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of this request at its February 5, 2025, Meeting.
A commercial gymnasium on the north side of the City will provide an excellent resource for the growing number of residents both inside and outside the city limits to maintain physical health and conditioning while providing the City with additional employment opportunities.
Development of vacant property, such as a commercial gymnasium development, may increase the assessed valuation of the property which may result in additional property tax revenue.
Resolution No. 25-3820
Area Map
General Plan Map
Letter of Intent
Neighborhood Meeting Invite and Summary
SUGGESTED MOTION:Recommended Action
I move to adopt Resolution No. 25-3820 approving a Minor General Plan Amendment revising the Future Land Use Map Designation for 60 Retail Centre Boulevard, Parcel B1 of Parcel Plat of Retail Centre-2, approximately 2.0 acres, from Medium Density Residential to Commercial Mixed Use.