TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
FROM: Peter Pilafas, Fire Chief
Action: Cooperative Purchase Agreement and Purchase of a Redwave ThreatID LS Hazmat Chemical Identifier and Chemical Sample Interface with FarrWest Environmental Supply, Inc. (Chief Pilafas)
To consider the approval of a Cooperative Purchase Agreement 500608 with FarrWest Environmental Supply, Inc. (FarrWest) utilizing the Buyboard Purchasing Program (Contract #718-23) and the purchase of a Redwave ThreatID LS - Hazmat Chemical Identifier and Chemical Sample Interface utilizing the awarded grant funds from the Arizona Department of Homeland Security in accordance with City Code §
Earlier this year, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 24-3726, which authorized the implementation of the activities funded by the Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) - State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP). SHSGP is a grant program administered by the AZDOHS. Together, AZDOHS with state, local, and tribal jurisdictions enhance the State’s efforts to prepare, prevent, and respond to terrorist attacks and other disasters by distributing grant funds. Lake Havasu City was awarded $44,437 Grant Funds for the 2024 SHSGP Grant in addition to awarding reallocated 2022 Grant Funds in the amount of $9,635.
AZDOHS grant funding will allow for the purchase of a Redwave ThreatID LS - Hazmat Chemical Identifier equipment and Chemical Sample Interface from Redwave to aid our HazMat Response Team.
Grant funds are allocated and available in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget in the amount of $54,072 (the purchase price is $53,853.80). No City matching funds are required.
Resolution No. 24-3726
2024 Redwave Quote
SUGGESTED MOTION:Recommended Action
I move to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Cooperative Purchase Agreement with FarrWest Environmental Supply, Inc., and approve the purchase of the Redwave ThreatID LS - Hazmat Chemical Identifier and Chemical Sample Interface in the amount of $53,853.80.