TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
FROM: Bobbie J. Kimelton, Director of Human Resources
Action: Apprenticeship Contract for Police Service Assistant with Cora Mariani (Bobbie Kimelton)
General Fund
To consider the approval of an Apprenticeship Contract for a Police Service Assistant.
Presently, high school students interested in a career in law enforcement may elect to participate in a law enforcement cadet academy offered by the Lake Havasu City Police Department. Once the Cadet graduates from high school, they are ineligible to become a Police Officer Trainee until they reach the age of twenty-one, creating what is in essence, up to a three-year waiting period. For many of these individuals the forced delay causes them to move away from Lake Havasu City to attend college or to seek other employment. This waiting period often results in lost opportunity and the Police Department is unable to leverage the initial interest into a viable recruitment for the Department.
The Apprenticeship Program for the Police Service Assistant combines on-the-job training with classroom instruction to recruit, build and retain individuals in preparation for an important, highly skilled career as a Police Officer. The establishment of this Program will create a labor pipeline providing an opportunity for young adults to remain in Lake Havasu City and to master the skills and competencies required to enter the occupation of a Police Officer. This Program will include partnerships with Arizona@Work as well as local, state, and community colleges to ensure that the training received by participants in the Apprenticeship Program embody the industry standards for the profession.
$40,102 per year plus benefits for a period not to exceed three years. Funding is allocated and available in the Police Department, General Fund budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25. For FY 2024-25, and every year thereafter, the annual salary is eligible for a step increase or other increases consistent with increases received by other City employees, if the Apprentice is progressing satisfactorily through the program.
Apprenticeship Contract for Police Service Assistant with Cora Mariani
I move to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Lake Havasu City Apprenticeship Contract for Police Service Assistant with Cora Mariani and further authorize the City Manager to renew the Contract for two, one-year terms.