File #: ID 24-4411    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/28/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action:
Title: Resolution No. 24-3776 Approving a Major General Plan Amendment Revising the Future Land Use Map Designations for 1850 Bahama Avenue, Tract 115, Block 4, Lots 11 through 13 and 21 through 23, and Block 5, Lots 1 through 9, 14.08 Acres, from High Density Residential to Resort Related-Mainland (Chris Gilbert)
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 24-3776, 2. Area Map, 3. General Plan Map, 4. Zoning Map, 5. Letter of Intent, 6. Updated General Development Plan, 7. Traffic Study, 8. Neighborhood Meeting Invite and Citizens Meeting Summary, 9. Minutes of PC Meeting 6-19-24, 10. Draft Minutes of PC Meeting 7-17-24




TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and City Council


FROM:                                          Jeff Thuneman, Development Services Director




Resolution No. 24-3776 Approving a Major General Plan Amendment Revising the Future Land Use Map Designations for 1850 Bahama Avenue, Tract 115, Block 4, Lots 11 through 13 and 21 through 23, and Block 5, Lots 1 through 9, 14.08 Acres, from High Density Residential to Resort Related-Mainland (Chris Gilbert)







To consider a developer and property owner-filed application requesting approval of a Major General Plan Amendment that would permit a mixed-use resort-style development to be placed on property that is presently planned for high density residential use.




Application No.:

24-4411 (24-00600001)

Property Legal:

Tract 115, Block 4, Lots 11 through 13 and 21 through 23, and Block 5, Lots 1 through 9


1850 Bahama Avenue

Lot Size:

Approximately 14.1 Acres


Studio KDA


Havasu Development Co., LLC

Staff Project Manager:

Chris Gilbert

Current/Proposed Land Use Designations:

High Density Residential to Resort-Related Mainland

Existing/Proposed Use:

Vacant/Residential Multi-Family and Commercial

Proposed Number of Lots/Units:

Total of five 4-Story Residential Buildings, a 2-story Commercial/Restaurant Building, a Surf Pool, and Lagoon


172 proposed units / 14.08a = 12 dwelling units per acre 


Two public hearings have already been held on this application before the Planning Commission on June 19, 2024, and July 17, 2024, in accordance with state statutory requirements for Major General Plan Amendments.  This staff report and public hearing are intended to address the appropriateness of the applicant’s request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the City’s General Plan from High Density Residential to Resort-Related, Mainland over the subject property.    The rezoning request and development plan will be addressed in the following public hearing.


NOTE:  Some changes have been made to this staff report and attachments following the Planning Commission’s action on July 17, 2024, to reflect a modified plan the applicant submitted to address comments received from the public in the two public hearings held on this matter.


Area, General Plan, and Zoning maps are attached. The applicant’s Letter of Intent, Updated General Development Plan, and traffic study are also included as attachments.



The subject property consists of several undeveloped lots along Bahama Avenue that have been combined into one parcel through the Mohave County Recorder of Deeds and measures a combined total of approximately 14.1 acres, and being more properly described as follows:


Tract 115, Block 4, Lots 11 through 13 and 21 through 23, and Block 5, Lots 1 through 9, Containing 14.08 Acres in Total


The property is located one quarter mile east of the intersection of Bahama Avenue and Lake Havasu Avenue. Bimini Lane, which connects to Bahama Avenue just east of Lake Havasu Avenue, also connects to the subject property.  Parking in Common requirements do not exist on the subject Tract 115.


LAND USE:  The subject property and the properties to the east and west, are presently categorized as High Density Residential on the City’s Future Land Use Map and partially developed as such. The properties to the north are shown as Commercial Mixed Use and developed as light industrial, including the large Sterilite building, and to the south a mix of High Density Residential directly abutting with Low Density Residential to the southeast, but primarily developed with single family residential units.


ZONING:  The subject property and the properties to the east and west, are zoned Residential Multiple Family District (R-M). The properties to the north are zoned Light Industrial (LI) and developed as such, and to the south Residential Single Family (R-1) and developed with single family residential units.


TRAFFIC STUDY:  While the traffic study analysis and recommendations have been included as an attachment to this report, discussion of the detailed findings and recommendations will be part of the Planned Development Rezoning application hearing and will also have to be accepted by the City’s engineers and may include additional requirements.



The 2016 General Plan determines when the City can review proposed changes as a minor or major amendment. The following passage from the plan indicates a major amendment review process for this application:


“Table 11-2 identifies the criterion for determining a major or minor amendment to the General Plan, based on whether the proposed change is located within or outside of the platted areas of the City. The platted areas are those areas that were originally platted at the time of City incorporation as well as any subsequently recorded subdivisions. The platted areas also include the mainland side of the channel but not the island side of the channel or the balance of the island.”


Since the subject property totals more than 5 acres and is within the original platted area, the Commission and City Council will review this application as a major amendment.


The applicant’s Letter of Intent requests to amend the City’s General Plan Future Land Use Map for the subject property from High Density Residential to Resort-Related, Mainland to facilitate development of a phased multiple-family resort including a commercial component (restaurant, surfing pool, cliff diving, lagoon pool) with the residential uses on the property being a combination of rental units and condominiums, to be determined later. This requested General Plan Amendment is the first step in the development process for this project. A Planned Development Rezone for the subject property is also required following action on this General Plan Amendment request.  A General Development Plan that is ultimately approved with a rezone would have to be substantially complied with during the development process, but the specific details of the project can be variable.  Any major changes would need to be returned as a General Development Plan Amendment for further review to the Planning Commission and City Council.



The General Plan Future Land Use Map designates the property as High Density Residential, contemplating a unit density of up to 20 units per acre with higher densities approvable through the Planned Development process.


The requested Resort-Related Mainland designation allows primary uses such as medium- to high-density resort residential uses, including condominiums, townhouses, and apartments. Secondary uses may include incidental services, commercial, and retail uses such as boat rentals, sales and repairs, hotels, motels, restaurants, and retail, as well as accessory recreational uses such as marinas, golf courses, parks and recreational trails, and accessory structures. These areas are intended to serve and primarily support the resort industry of Lake Havasu City and the tourists and visitors the industry attracts. It encourages mixed-use developments to occur in areas of Lake Havasu City that do not have direct access to the Shoreline. Public access easements along the shoreline and view corridors to the shoreline, consistent with state and federal laws, should be incorporated. Mixed-use developments should generally provide a commercial element of not less than 10 percent. The land use category does not allow RV resorts, manufactured home parks, or campgrounds.

The applicant is asking for the Resort-Related Mainland designation because it allows for more than just high-density apartments and condos. The Resort-Related Mainland designation is appropriate because it allows mixed-use developments with commercial uses of not less than 10 percent on property that does not have direct access to the shoreline, which is the exact situation the applicant’s development plan presents.

The following General Plan Goals and Policies support the request:

GM.1.1.c - Service levels: Allow development in areas that can be reasonably serviced by police, fire, and emergency response services without negatively impacting service levels or increasing costs for current users.

GM.1.1.d - Infill and Redevelopment: Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses, and the promotion of State Trust Land on the Island and adjacent to the perimeter of the originally platted area as a means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.


LU.1.1.b - Mix of housing options:  Encourage a mix of housing options in Lake Havasu City, including detached and attached single-family, townhomes, apartments, and housing for special populations (e.g., elderly or disabled residents) as appropriate based on goals and policies for individual character areas within the City and the Future Land Use Plan map.


LU.1.1.c - Infill and redevelopment:  Support infill development and the assemblage of small lots, redevelopment of underutilized properties or obsolete uses, and the adaptive reuse of vacant structures for new uses as means to maintain a compact urban form and leverage the availability of existing services, utilities, transportation, and schools.


LU.1.1.d - Mixed-use development:  Encourage mixed-use development patterns (both vertically and horizontally mixed-use as appropriate given the surrounding development context) based on goals and policies for individual character areas within the City as a means to promote the efficient use of available land, increase the accessibility of goods and services, and support the revitalization of areas such as Downtown Lake Havasu and the Bridgewater Channel area.

HN.1.2.b - High-Density Development Standards: Recognize well-designed and constructed high-density development on appropriate sites as being a worthwhile addition to the community and tax base under conditions established in the General Plan and by zoning, subdivision, and other codes and ordinances.

HN.2.1.a - Mix of Housing Types: Encourage a mix of housing types, including detached and attached single-family, townhomes, apartments, and housing for special populations (e.g., elderly or disabled residents). Support a mix of lot sizes, densities, and housing prices and styles in locations designated for Medium or High Density Residential on the Future Land Use Plan map or as part of a larger planned development in accordance with City Standards and Ordinances.

HN.2.2.a - Location Efficient Development: Strongly encourage new residential development in locations that promote the efficient use of existing utilities; offer reasonable response times by police, fire, and emergency services; provide reasonable access to schools; offer neighborhood or community shopping options within ½ mile and 1-2 miles respectively; reduce the need for long auto trips; and encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation-walking, bicycling, and taking public transit (as available).


HN.2.2.c - Siting of Higher Density Uses: Locate higher-density residential uses near major roadway corridors to promote an efficient transportation system and prevent an excessive amount of vehicular traffic from using minor residential streets.


PF.2.1.a - Infill Development: Maximize the existing investment in infrastructure by encouraging infill development within the existing platted area of the City.


The proposed amendment is in conformance with, and in furtherance of, many goals and policies within multiple sections of the City’s community-developed General Plan, as previously stated in this report, and the applicants have complied with Arizona statutory requirements for consideration of any major amendment to the aforementioned Plan.



A Citizens’ Meeting regarding this General Plan Amendment application was held on January 3, 2024. Several people attended this meeting.  The full neighborhood meeting documentation is included as an attachment. 


Extensive comment was taken at the public hearings on June 19, 2024, held at the Lake Havasu City Police Dept. meeting room, and on July 17, 2024, in the Municipal Court City Council Chamber. The full minutes of these hearings on this major general plan amendment are attached.



No objections were received from any reviewing agencies regarding this General Plan Amendment application.  Any specific development-related comments will be addressed with the Planned Development Rezone application for this property.



The Planning Commission voted 4-3 to recommend denial of this application for a Major General Plan Amendment at its July 17, 2024, meeting.



The proposed amendment, if approved, would facilitate the development of the subject property at 1850 Bahama Avenue into a resort-style development, with residential components, commercial components and an unusual water entertainment feature that would offer surfing, cliff diving, and a swim lagoon that would be open to the public.



A resort-style development like the one proposed is likely to generate revenue to the various taxing entities as the phases are constructed.



Resolution No. 24-3776

Area Map

General Plan Map

Zoning Map

Letter of Intent

Updated General Development Plan

Traffic Study

Neighborhood Meeting Invite and Citizens’ Meeting Summary

Minutes of the Planning Commission Public Hearing held June 19, 2024

Draft Minutes of the Planning Commission Public Hearing held on July 17, 2024


SUGGESTED MOTION:Recommended Action

I move to adopt Resolution 24-3776 approving a Major General Plan Amendment revising the Future Land Use Map Designations for 1850 Bahama Avenue, Tract 115, Block 4, Lots 11 through 13 and 21 through 23, and Block 5, Lots 1 through 9, 14.08 Acres, from High Density Residential to Resort Related-Mainland.