File #: ID 25-4672    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Action: Resolution No. 25-3816 Approving and Authorizing Execution of Instruments Necessary to Vacate and Convey Parcel V, Approximately 2,828 Square Feet of Roadway, Located Between Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28, Tract 2280, to the Owners of Adjacent Lots 34 and 35 (Chris Gilbert)
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 25-3816, 2. Exhibits A and B, 3. Aerial and Location Map, 4. Tract 2280 Map
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TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and Council


FROM:                     Jeff Thuneman, Development Services Director





Action: Resolution No. 25-3816 Approving and Authorizing Execution of Instruments Necessary to Vacate and Convey Parcel V, Approximately 2,828 Square Feet of Roadway, Located Between Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28, Tract 2280, to the Owners of Adjacent Lots 34 and 35 (Chris Gilbert)







To consider adopting a resolution authorizing the vacation and sale of City-owned Tract 2280, Block 28, Parcel V, approximately 2,828 square foot parcel located between Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28, to the owners of the adjacent Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28. 



In December of 2024, the owners of both adjacent residential properties to Parcel V, Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28 of Tract 2280, submitted an application to City staff to purchase an approximate 20-foot by 141-foot City owned parcel adjacent to their properties. Many City-owned parcels such as Parcel V are located throughout the city, originally intended to be developed as a public throughway/use of some type. These throughways/uses are rarely used in many instances.  Upon review, City staff determined the property is no longer necessary for public use and could be sold. Furthermore, utility companies were notified and determined the property is not needed to provide services.


By applying a per square-foot formula of $10.00 per square foot, a value of $28,280 has been assessed to Parcel V. Separate closing costs (not included in the purchase price) will be paid directly to the title company by the purchaser. Typically, the property would be split into identical length and width properties and each piece sold to the adjacent property owners. If one of the owners does not express interest, both parcels will be offered to the other adjacent owner.  In this case, the Parcel comes off a cul-de-sac bulb at an angle between Lots 34 and 35 such that the halves are slightly unequal due to the shape of the parcel.  Both owners are aware of this situation and accept the slightly different segments each will acquire.  One parcel is 1,438 square feet and the other is 1,390 square feet in size as shown on the attached survey documents.


If the City Council authorizes the vacation and sale of the property, deeds will be created, and the purchasers will take title and tie their respective half of Parcel V to their respective adjoining property.






Proceeds from the sale in the amount of $28,280 to be placed in the City’s Property Acquisition Fund. Future improvements to the property may increase the assessed valuation, and the City may receive additional property tax revenue.



Resolution No. 25-3816

Exhibits A and B

Aerial and Location Map

Tract Map


SUGGESTED MOTION::Recommended Action

I move to adopt Resolution No. 25-3816 approving and authorizing the execution of instruments necessary to vacate and convey Parcel V, approximately 2,828 square feet of roadway, located between Lots 34 and 35 of Block 28, Tract 2280, with approximately half going to each of the owners of adjacent Lots 34 and 35.