File #: ID 25-4681    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/11/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Discussion and Action: Job Order Contract (JOC) Task Order Proposal No. 2 for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Chip Seal Program with Cactus Asphalt and Raise the Per Project Limit for JOC Task Order No. 2 to $1,300,000 (Bill Young)
Attachments: 1. FY 24-25 Chip Seal Program Bid- Cactus Asphalt, 2. FY 24-25 Chip Seal Program Bid Tabulation, 3. FY 24-25 Chip Seal Street List, 4. FY 24-25 Chip Seal Street Map





TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and Council


FROM:                     Bill Young, Transportation & Maintenance Superintendent




Discussion and Action: Job Order Contract (JOC) Task Order Proposal No. 2 for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Chip Seal Program with Cactus Asphalt and Raise the Per Project Limit for JOC Task Order No. 2 to $1,300,000 (Bill Young)




Highway User Revenue Fund



To consider the approval of JOC Task Order Proposal No. 2 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Chip Seal Program with Cactus Asphalt (500593) and approve raising the per project limit for JOC Task Order No. 2 to $1,300,000 in accordance with City Code §§,, and A.R.S. 34-605(F).



Lake Havasu City Public Works Department, Streets Division, is seeking consideration for the approval to exceed the $1,000,000 maximum per project task order limit set forth in ARS 34-605(F). ARS 34-605(F) allows for the $1,000,000 limit to be raised higher as required by the agent in an action noticed pursuant to Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 3.1, which defines the rules for public meetings and proceedings. This request to exceed the $1,000,000 task order limit applies to JOC Task Order Proposal No. 2 only. 


Staff submitted a request for job order proposals to all five (5) JOC contractors on the Pinal County JOC contractors list. On February 10, 2025, the City received two (2) proposals from qualified asphalt contractors:


Cactus Asphalt ($1,275,877.14)

Sunland Asphalt ($1,989,000)


Staff has determined that the bid received from Cactus Asphalt is deemed reasonable for the immediate work. It is anticipated that 267,946 square yards will be chip sealed, with an additional 683,349 square yards receiving CQS chip sealant. 



The Chip Seal Program provides preventative maintenance, sealing smaller cracks to preserve and ensure a longer lifespan of our roadways.


FISCAL IMPACT:                     

Funds in the amount of $1,275,877.14 are allocated and available in the FY 2024-25 Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF).



FY 24-25 Chip Seal Program Bid - Cactus Asphalt

FY 24-25 Chip Seal Program Bid Tabulation

FY 24-25 Chip Seal Street List

FY 24-25 Chip Seal Street Map



I move to approve raising the per project limit for JOC Task Order No. 2 to $1,300,000; award and authorize the City Manager to execute Job Task Order Proposal No. 2 to Cactus Asphalt for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Chip-Seal Program in the amount of $1,275,877.14.