TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
FROM: W. Mark Clark, Operations Manager
Ratify Emergency Purchase and Payment to Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc. for Emergency Work on Sweetwater Force Main Break at Mulberry Avenue and SR 95 and Approve Use of Contingency Funds (W. Mark Clark)
Wastewater Contingency Fund
To ratify payment to Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc. (Invoice #716223) in accordance with City Code Section A-6, Emergency Purchases, and expenditures over $50,000, City Code Section C, Exceptions, and approve the use of contingency funds.
On July 20, 2018, there was a sewer Force Main break at Mulberry Avenue & Hwy 95. It was discovered at 6:15 a.m. by a Wastewater Supervisor. Approximately 150,000-200,000 gallons of raw sewage was spilled, nearly entering the lake. Wastewater employees worked a total of 134 hours overtime between July 20 and July 22, to conduct the cleanup in accordance with ADEQ protocol. We were assisted by Water, Streets, and MSD. Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc. was the main contractor on-site, coordinating the work to repair the pipeline. Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc. paid six other contractors including Oxley Construction, LLC, Dana Kepner Company, Inc., CornCo Excavation, Inc., Conroy Concrete Pumping, Mainline Welding, and Campbell Redi-Mix (invoices attached).
A raw sewage spill presents a health impact for the residents of the City. Until the line was repaired, Wastewater Plants were operating in non-standard modes, resulting in possible violations of standards due to increased flows.
This was an emergency that was not budgeted therefore, we are requesting the use of contingency funds. Normally, we are able to address minor impacts, but this is the second major event in the year and of a larger than normal magnitude. The Wastewater Contingency Fund was budgeted at $500,000 and no expenditures have been approved to date.
Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc. Invoice #716223
SUGGESTED MOTION:Recommended Action
I move to ratify the emergency purchase and payment to Tri-Suns Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $99,393.60, for emergency work on the Sweetwater Force Main break and approve the use of contingency funds.